Textile and Carpet Conservator and Consultant

We Will Walk - Art and Resistance in the American South Install View, Image Courtesy Turner Contemporary. Credit Stephen White ( (22).jpg

We Will Walk - Art and Resistance in the American South - installation view

Image courtesy Turner Contemporary, Stephen White

Hatfield House, Hertfordshire

Hardwick Hall, Derbyshire

Knole, Kent 

Cragside House, Northumberland 

Felbrigg Hall, Norfolk

Claydon, Buckinghamshire 

Castletown House, Ireland

Arlington Court, Devon 

University of Oxford, Bodleian Library, Oxford 

Houghton Hall / V&A Museum 

Hopetoun House, Scotland 

Norwich Castle Museum, Norfolk

Sam Fogg Gallery, London

Turner Contemporary, Margate


Consultation via video link, image courtesy of The Nickle Galleries, Calgary, Canada