Textile and Carpet Conservator and Consultant


Following a degree in Textiles at Goldsmiths’ College, Ksynia worked in the Textile Conservation Department at the Victoria & Albert Museum. She was awarded a Winston Churchill Travelling Scholarship to study restoration and conservation techniques in seven European countries.

She went on to run her own highly successful Textile Conservation Studio in London, before joining The National Trust as Manager of the Textile Conservation Studio at Blickling Hall in 1991, becoming the National Advisor from 1995. She has been an accredited member (ACR) of the Institute of Conservation (ICON) since 1999.

Ksynia has won international recognition for her pioneering work in the care and conservation of textiles. This in turn has led to numerous invitations to participate in international research projects and advisory groups. 

She was awarded the prestigious Plowden Medal in 2016 for her outstanding contribution to textile conservation over four decades.

Ksynia retired from her post at The National Trust in 2018, and is now a freelance textile conservator and consultant. She has been Chair of the Icon Textile Group since 2021.

Ksynia has made an outstanding contribution to the field of conservation in so many ways. She has an extraordinarily deep understanding and extensive experience of historic textiles and their preservation. But she doesn’t stop there. Throughout her career she has shared her knowledge through publications, teaching and training, and has dedicated herself to mentoring next-generation conservators. There are countless conservators in the UK and around the world who have benefited from working with her.
— Alison Richmond, Icon CEO